
Welcome to my blog Violets & Vanilla, dedicated mainly to baking and decorating cakes and other sugar treats. Notice how I said mainly? That is because being an Indian, and specially a South Indian, I love my spices as much as I love my sweets. So don’t be surprised if you find some spicy delicacies make an appearance in this supposedly sweet space.

Living in a city like Houston, known for its diverse, multicultural food scene and where you can easily get every ingredient imaginable, there has been no dearth of opportunities for me to find and cook new and interesting recipes. And this blog, I hope, would serve as a beautiful album of all those cooking and baking experiments and experiences of mine — an album that I would like you all to go through and enjoy.


27 thoughts on “About

  1. Hi Violets and Vanilla, You have a lovely blog!! Nice to find a fellow South Indian in the blogosphere… I especially love your cake making and baking. I am a novice baker, learning about baking. I loved going through you cake decorations, fondant and gum paste. Would like to learn more from you 🙂

  2. Wow, your cakes look incredible! Its indeed an eclectic mix of science and art here. Hope to improve my baking skills(which aren’t too many!) with a visit to your site.

  3. Hi,
    You got a lovely blog. I am good at baking, but really bad in icing. I am sure that our blog would help me in icing. Love all your cakes :). Happy weekend. Stay in touch.

  4. Hello Anu…just wanted you to know ive nominated you for the ‘One Lovely Blogger award’ no pressure just letting you know how much I appreciate your blog!

  5. Hello there Violets&Vanilla

    You have a great blog with great cakes and awesome fondant art. I am reaching out to you from http://www.itspotluck.com a social platform for Indian/Desi food lovers. It is a community of About 300 flood bloggers with thousands of recipes and counting. You might find some fellow bloggers from India and abroad as well on our platform. It is developed by someone like you who is a Indian mom/wife/daughter who is passionate about technology and in need of new recipes. This platform is aimed at addressing the love for Indian food by creating:

    > A one stop shop for all Indian food related information.
    > Create a democratic platform for home cooks to get noticed, appreciated and rewarded.
    > Share the creative ways people are exploring Indian food – In fact going by number of Indian food blogs it’s quite evident that the real fun in Indian food is happening in the kitchens of Indian homes and not in star restaurants & cooking schools. Therefore, we also want this to be a platform for home cooks to get together and share ideas. We believe this platform would truly democratize the Indian food blogger community and give an equal opportunity for everyone to succeed.

    The current services are just a beginning and we will be adding additional functionalities that will truly make this a global platform for Indian food.

    We hope you like what we are presenting and would join our growing community of Indian food lovers. Don’t wait and join today. Our facebook page https://www.facebook.com/its.Potluck is frequently updated with food related news and some exciting recipes so stay connected via facebook as well.

    If you face any challenges in registering please contact us at comments@itspotluck.com

    Thank you and looking forward to having as part of itsPotluck community.

    Please ignore this email if you are already a member.


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